Emissions Reduction and Resilience Plans

Download the Fact sheet - Emissions Reduction and Resilience Plans (PDF 574.8 KB)

Read the draft transport Plan

Consultation on the draft Emissions Reduction and Resilience Plan for Tasmania's transport sector closed on 29 November 2023. Learn more about the draft Plan.

Read the draft waste Plan

Consultation on the draft Emissions Reduction and Resilience Plan for Tasmania's waste sector closed on 19 December 2023. Learn more about the draft Plan.

What are the Plans?

Tasmania's climate change legislation was updated in November 2022. Tasmania now has a whole-of-economy emissions reduction target for Tasmania of net zero emissions, or lower, from 2030.

Our legislation also requires the government to consult with business, industry and the community to develop sector-based Emissions Reduction and Resilience Plans. The Plans will ensure we take a practical and balanced approach to action on climate change.

The Plans will relate to the Tasmanian context for each sector and consider how government can support emissions reductions and build resilience to climate-related risks.

Which sectors will have a Plan?

Emissions Reduction and Resilience Plans will be developed for the following sectors:

  • transport
  • waste
  • energy
  • industrial processes and product use
  • agriculture
  • land use, land use change and forestry

While these are the key sectors, we know that there is overlap between sectors. Relevant businesses and industries are invited to be part of multiple Plans.

The government has also committed to preparing a Plan for government operations.

How can my industry be involved?

The Climate Change Office in ReCFIT will manage the consultation process and produce the Plans.

To ensure that this is a collaborative process, workshops will be held with each sector, bringing together key stakeholders from industry, and business.

I am not in a sector – can I be involved?

Yes. Each draft sectoral Plan will be open for public consultation, and you are invited to comment. The draft Plans will be published on our website.

The Climate Change Office will also produce a 'State of Play' Report for each sector. These reports will provide:

  • a summary of Tasmania's greenhouse gas emissions
  • impacts of climate-related risks
  • relevant policies and projects at the local, national and international level
  • opportunities to reduce emissions and build resilience for each sector.

The State of Play Reports will be published on the ReCFIT website at the same time as the public consultation.

When will this happen?

The Emissions Reduction and Resilience Plan for the transport sector will be prepared by November 2023. The other Plans are to be completed by November 2024.

We will consult with each sector from May 2023 through to the middle of 2024, starting with the transport sector.

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