Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry

Developing an Emissions Reduction and Resilience Plan for Tasmania's LULUCF sector

Tasmania’s climate change legislation sets out how the government must take action on climate change, including developing five-yearly sector-based Emissions Reduction and Resilience Plans (Plans). The final Plans will support a practical and balanced approach for our key sectors to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and build resilience to climate change.

A draft Plan has been developed to help you provide feedback on priority areas and future opportunities for the land use, land use change and forestry (LULUCF) sector. We have identified the priorities and opportunities through targeted consultation with business and industry.

A State of Play Report has also been prepared, providing a high-level summary of the LULUCF sector in Tasmania.

Have your say

Written submissions close on 11 October 2024.

We want to hear from you about the draft Plan. We encourage you to read the draft Plan before you make a submission. The consultation questions will help you provide relevant feedback, so we can develop the final version of the Plan.

You can make a submission by writing to us or by completing the online form.

If you are making a written submission, please include the name and contact details of the person or organisation making the submission. All submissions are welcome and valued.

Consultation questions

  1. What future opportunities (outlined in this draft Plan) do you think will have the most impact?
  2. Are there any priorities or future opportunities missing from this draft Plan?
  3. How can we collaborate to reduce emissions and build resilience in the LULUCF sector?


Submissions will be published on this website ( Your name or the name of the organisation making the submission will be made public. Personal contact details will not be published. Please tell us if you want to keep your submission private. Defamatory or offensive material will not be published.

For more information about this work, or making a submission, please contact the Climate Change Office by email at or by phone on 03 6166 4466.