Low emissions livestock grant program

The successful applicant for the $4 million low emissions livestock grant is TasFarmers, in collaboration with the Tasmanian Institute of Agriculture (TIA), Fonterra, Annandale Dairy Farm, Sea Forest and Tasmanian feedlot AEON.

The grant, together with co-investment from the project partners, will fund a large-scale trial of Asparagopsis feed supplements in both beef and dairy cattle, and demonstrate:

  • the commercial viability of using a low emissions feed supplement produced in Tasmania
  • the emissions reduction from livestock receiving the feed supplements
  • the benefits of low emissions feed supplements to Tasmania’s agriculture sector, through targeted education and awareness activities.

Why grants for livestock?

Emissions from livestock currently account for one quarter of Tasmania’s total greenhouse gas emissions (excluding the land use, land use change and forestry sector).

Research (PDF 3.2 MB) commissioned by the Tasmanian Government shows that lowering methane emissions from livestock has the largest potential to reduce emissions of all current opportunities for Tasmania. We can reduce these emissions by using feed supplements that reduce the methane emitted as part of the normal livestock digestive process. This process is known as enteric fermentation.

Reducing emissions from livestock is likely to play a key role in ensuring Tasmania maintains, or improves, its net zero emissions status through to 2030 and beyond. Research supported by the Tasmanian Government also indicates that certain feed supplements may increase the productivity of livestock, making this an important opportunity for our agriculture sector.