Activation of Tasmania's domestic market

Vital to the success of Tasmania's Green Hydrogen Hub is the activation of the domestic market to ensure economic benefits are unlocked in Tasmania and beyond.

We need to establish a thriving local green hydrogen industry to support the future competitiveness of our existing manufacturing industry and to explore new research into opportunities, resources, and concessions to commercialise, in order to foster business activity.

Key market activation opportunities

1. Marine and maritime

Use of hydrogen in the marine sector presents a unique opportunity to facilitate decarbonisation of this industry. Green hydrogen will likely be used as replacement fuel for diesel in vessels and to decarbonise ship manufacturing and operations.

2. Transport

The Tasmanian Government is taking the lead in this space with the completion of a hydrogen industry activation study.

As part of this study, buses (in particular Metro Tasmania's fleet) were identified as a potential first user of hydrogen and we have committed to working with Metro Tasmania to trial zero emissions buses (both electric and hydrogen) in the next 12-18 months.

3. Industry

Across Australia, major manufacturers are feeling pressure from customers, government and shareholders to decarbonise their operations and reduce emissions.

The establishment of the Tasmanian Green Hydrogen Hub presents an opportunity to support local and national manufacturers, particularly within the Bell Bay Advanced Manufacturing Zone, to transition to lower emissions technology for their processing and heating requirements.

4. Natural Gas Networks

Due to hydrogen's similarities with natural gas in composition, there is an opportunity globally to blend hydrogen within existing natural gas distribution networks. As Tasmania's modern natural gas network is capable of supporting blending, almost instant demand can be generated for green hydrogen.

5. Agriculture

The Tasmanian Government is currently investigating industrial applications of green hydrogen produced in Tasmania, including opportunities for use in the agricultural sector such as the production of green urea and zero emission fuel for farm machinery.

6. Antarctica

Hobart is an established international gateway port for Antarctica and is the headquarters of the Australian Antarctic Division.

A green hydrogen enabled Southern Gateway in Tasmania will provide the necessary infrastructure to support decarbonisation of Australia's operations in the Antarctic, as well as support other countries on their journey to minimising their impact in the region.