Emissions Reduction and Resilience Plans
Tasmania’s first five-year Emissions Reduction and Resilience plans for each sector were published in late 2024.
The Climate Change (State Action) Act 2008 requires the government to consult with business, industry and the community to develop sector-based Plans. The Plans will ensure we take a practical and balanced approach to action on climate change.
We have also developed Tasmania’s Emissions Reduction and Resilience Roadmap 2024-29 to link together our six sectoral Plans and Tasmania’s Risk Assessment for Climate Change 2024, and set out how we will maintain net zero emissions across our economy through to 2030 and beyond.
The government has also committed to preparing a Plan for government operations. We expect to publicly consult on the government operations plan in early to mid‑2025.
How were the Plans developed?
The Plans were developed in consultation with business and industry, as required under the Climate Change (State Action) Act 2008.
A draft of each Plan was also released for a five-week public consultation period.
As part of this process, a State of Play Report was also prepared to provide a high-level summary of the climate-related issues and opportunities for each sector in Tasmania.
Each Plan includes a summary of the key themes from consultation, and how the Plan addresses these key themes.