Climate change risk assessment

Tasmania's first statewide climate change risk assessment is currently underway.

The Tasmanian risk assessment for climate change 2024 will help the government prioritise actions that support adaptation to the impacts of climate change.

Types of risks

The risk assessment will identify and prioritise the following types of climate-related risks and opportunities:

  • physical climate-related risks and opportunities, including:
    • climate-related acute shocks, such as heatwaves, floods, bushfires, drought, coastal erosion, coastal storm surge
    • longer-term climate trends, such as temperature change, sea level rise, seasonal distribution and intensity of rainfall, incidence of frost, distribution of invasive species and diseases
  • climate-related transition risks and opportunities, which are driven by policy, regulation, technology development, reputation, and market shift, as a result of goals to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
  • climate-related complex, compounding, and cascading risks and opportunities, which involve multi-directional interactions between types of risk.


Consultation activities will include:

  • targeted regional stakeholder workshops (complete)
  • one‑on‑one interviews with key stakeholders (underway).

This project is being coordinated with related national work programs, including the National Climate Risk Assessment. The project started in May 2023 and is expected to be completed by mid-2024.

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