Tasmanian Future Gas Strategy

The Tasmanian Future Gas Strategy outlines the Tasmanian Government’s vision for the future of gas  in Tasmania. It aims to help gas users and suppliers make informed choices and investment decisions during a time of uncertainty  and rapid  transition for the industry.

Tasmania, as Australia’s leading renewable energy state, has set a clear policy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, promote renewable energy and transition away from fossil fuels. These ambitious  goals, along with the growing uncertainty around the future availability of gas and global and domestic price pressures, supports the need for Tasmania to consider alternatives to current fossil gas use.

The strategy sets out four alternatives: electrification, bioenergy, renewable hydrogen and other synthetic renewable gases. There is unlikely to be a single option to meet all needs, but rather a mix of alternatives that will enable gas users to tailor solutions to their particular needs.

It recognises that there are challenges for gas users to immediately adopt renewable alternatives, particularly for commercial and industrial users. These alternatives may not yet be economically or technically viable for many users. Fossil gas is therefore expected to continue to play an important role in Tasmania over the medium term while these other technologies are further developed.

The strategy supports consumer choice and the ability of energy users to choose the fuel that best meets their needs however it will not prolong the use of natural gas beyond the time it is needed .

Importantly, the strategy will be reviewed within four years given how quickly technologies are developing and the rate the energy sector is changing as it transitions to net zero emissions .

Stakeholder and Community Consultation

In developing extensive consultation was undertaken with business, households and the community about the future role of gas in Tasmania.

A Gas Strategy Working Group was established to support the development of the strategy which included key industry and consumer representatives.

A discussion paper was released in late 2021 as the first phase of a consultation process with submissions received from a range of stakeholders representing the interests of household, industrial and small business consumers, gas infrastructure providers, environmental groups and investors in emerging renewable industries.

A copy of this discussion paper is available on our consultation page.

A summary of the feedback on the discussion paper (DOCX 401.1 KB) has been prepared. This and the full version of all non-confidential submissions can be found on our consultation page.

As the second phase of public consultation, we released a draft Future Gas Strategy on 28 October 2022. The draft strategy outlined a vision of the future of gas in Tasmania, including natural gas, LPG, renewable gases and the role of increased electrification.

Public consultation closed on 12 January 2023 with eighteen submissions received and this feedback is currently being considered in the context of finalising the strategy.

A summary of the feedback on the Draft Future Gas Strategy (PDF 820.9 KB) and the full version of all non-confidential submissions can be found on our consultation page.

A copy of this report is available on our consultation page