
Developing an Emissions Reduction and Resilience Plan for Tasmania's waste sector

Tasmania’s climate change legislation sets out how the government must take action on climate change, including developing five-yearly sector-based Emissions Reduction and Resilience Plans (Plans). The Plans will support a practical and balanced approach for our key sectors to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and build resilience to climate change.

A draft Plan was developed that included on priority areas and future opportunities for the waste sector. The priorities and opportunities were identified through targeted consultation with business and industry.

A State of Play Report has also been prepared, providing a high-level summary of the waste sector in Tasmania.

Public consultation

Written submissions closed on Tuesday 19 December 2023.

Thank you to everyone who took the time to make a submission. Read the submissions on the draft Plan.

Final Plan

The final waste Plan is being developed and will be published on this page when it is released.

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