Case Study - Nichols Poultry

The project

  • Analyse cost benefits and test feasibility of various scenarios with a view to implementing best case for diversion of wastes from landfill.

Download the Case Study - Nichols Poultry (PDF 2.2 MB).


  • The company has a strong culture of resource efficiency. Approximately 80% of waste generated is already recycled, ie protein wastes are recovered as by-product and other organic wastes are composted on-site for use in crop farming.
  • Single-use plastic film products help the company maintain food safety standards. The main barrier to recycling this waste is high contamination rates from liquid proteins.


  • Find alternative, cost-neutral waste disposal methods for mixed plastic film/purge material.


  • Zero plastic waste to landfill from production waste.
  • Maintain or reduce waste disposal costs.


What was implemented?

  • Numerous alternatives for single use plastics were trialed and costed.
  • Alternative plant-based plastics are compostable and did work.
  • Some single-use PPE products replaced with re-usable, for example: aprons.

Key issues

  • The cost of alternatives (300% increase) for plant-based plastics.
  • Short shelf-life and high minimum orders of plant-based plastics.
  • Lack of recyclers in Tasmania that can take purge contaminated soft plastic and there are no soft plastic washing facilities.

Performance against targets

  • We didn't achieve our target of zero plastic waste to landfill and we are continuing to work on it.
  • However, we did divert another 200 tonnes per year of organic waste from landfill to industrial composting and we found some cost savings in the way we transport our waste.

Lessons learnt

  • Industry in Tasmania needs greater support and consultation to develop waste reduction initiatives.
  • There are plenty of opportunities for industry in Tasmania to divert waste from landfill.
  • Industry plays a significantly larger part in waste reduction for the State compared to residential waste.