Fact sheet - Supporting Tasmania's children and young people

Tasmania’s Climate Change Action Plan 2023-25 (the Action Plan) is the Tasmanian Government’s plan for action on climate change for the next two years. It includes actions that will reduce our greenhouse gas emissions to make sure we reach our target of net zero greenhouse gas emissions, or lower, from 2030. It also includes actions to improve our information about climate change and to make sure Tasmania is prepared for the impacts of a changing climate.

Climate change will affect all of us in some way, and is affecting many of us already – this could be through recent floods or bushfires, or the impacts on our mental health. It will also impact our future generations. We know it is important to make sure all Tasmanians can access information about climate change, including children and young people.

We have published a plain language version of the Action Plan.

Our vision for Tasmania

By 2030 we will have met our target by reducing our emissions and increasing our carbon storage.

We will have increased the resilience of our communities, environments, industries and infrastructure to the impacts of a changing climate.

We will achieve our vision through three priority areas:

1. Information and Knowledge

We will provide Tasmanians with up-to-date easy-to-use information about climate change.

2. Transition and Innovation

We will reduce our emissions, increase our carbon storage, and support Tasmanians to adjust to the changes as the world moves to net zero emissions.

3. Adaptation and Resilience

We will manage the risks and make the most of the opportunities from climate change, and make sure all parts of Tasmania are prepared for the impacts.

Key issues for children and young people

Consultation on the action plan included letters and emails, three public workshops, meetings, and workshops with the Premier’s Youth Advisory Council and the Commissioner for Children and Young People Ambassadors. In total, over 140 individuals or organisations shared their feedback.

The action plan includes over 80 actions, including actions on many of the key issues raised by children and young people during consultation, such as:

  • supporting the uptake of electric cars, e-bikes and e-scooters
  • improving Tasmania’s public transport network and supporting Metro to trial zero emissions buses
  • improving Tasmania’s ability to process organic waste (like food scraps) and turn it into compost
  • continuing to support homes and businesses to improve their energy efficiency through no-interest loans
  • educating the public about climate change impacts and opportunities
  • supporting communities to take action on climate change
  • continuing to protect the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area from bushfires.

How we are supporting children and young people

We understand the importance of giving children and young people the chance to have their voice heard because of the impacts climate change will have on them, both now and into the future.

Under the action plan we will:

  • make climate change resources for Tasmanian schools
  • support the Youth Climate Leaders Program
  • work on improving the way we talk to children and young people to understand their needs as we take action on climate change
  • work to understand how we can reduce the impacts of climate change on the mental health and wellbeing of Tasmanians, including children and young people.

We will continue to consult with key partners such as the Commissioner for Children and Young People and the Premier’s Youth Advisory Council as we develop these programs.

You can also follow the Tasmanian Climate Change Office on Facebook or sign up to our newsletter through our website for regular updates on Tasmania’s action on climate change.