Climate Change Act Amendment Consultation (closed)

The Climate Change (State Action) Amendment Bill 2021 (the Bill) was prepared to amend the Climate Change (State Action) Act 2008 (the Act). The Bill was tabled in Parliament on 24 November 2021 and can be viewed on the Parliament Tasmania website.

The Bill was developed in response to the findings of the most recent independent review of the Act; the Tasmanian Emissions Pathway Review; the Economic Impact Analysis project; and extensive consultation with business, industry and the community.

Read more about the independent review of the Act and the Tasmanian Government response to the review.

Consultation on the Draft Bill: What we heard

A draft Bill was released for consultation from 13 October 2021 to 14 November 2021. Sixty-four submissions on the draft Bill were received; 39 from individuals and 25 from organisations. The submissions are published below.

The recommendations in the submissions varied from minor administrative issues with the draft Bill, to more significant policy issues, such as legislating sectoral targets; legislating exclusion of sectoral targets; establishing an independent advisory council; and legislating consideration of climate change in government decision making.

Submissions were generally supportive of the proposed new emissions reduction target. Some submissions recommended the Government set a more ambitious target.

We received 64 written submissions to the Draft Bill to amend the Climate Change (State Action) Act 2008. Six submissions were submitted confidentially and will not be published. You can read the public submissions below.

While we make every effort to publish items in an accessible format, this is not always possible for documents prepared by others. Some of these submissions may not meet accessibility guidelines.

